The prestigious DurchSTARTer Award was presented in Osnabrück on December 6, 2023. Numerous start-ups from Lower Saxony competed against each other in various categories with short pitches on stage. Mission to Marsh won 1st place in the “Social Innovation” category.
In a joint initiative of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitalization, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, the NBank, the state initiative startup.niedersachsen and the Lower Saxony Business Associations (UVN), the state of Lower Saxony has awarded prizes to the best start-ups from Lower Saxony.
In the “Social Innovation” category, the finalists each had exactly 5 minutes to present their start-up and generate enthusiasm for the topic. In a live pitch, our Managing Director Alexander Kornelsen was able to convince the audience and win €10,000 for wetland protection.
It was an amazing feeling when Anni and I stood on stage and received the award amidst the shower of confetti. A clear signal for our mission of wetland protection in Germany
Alexander Kornelsen, CEO of Mission to Marsh

26 applications show how many start-ups are actively contributing to solving social, societal and ecological challenges with their products and innovative ideas.
Dr. Ulf Meier, Member of the Executive Board of NBank, Chairman of the Jury
Mission to Marsh was thus able to provide a personal highlight at the end of the year and at the same time used the opportunity to publish “One moor thing” as a Christmas present for the wetland sponsorships. A crowning achievement for Mission to Marsh’s first full financial year.
We wish you a relaxing holiday,
Your Mission to Marsh Team